
Federal Way Soccer Referees Association

Donovan LaDucer.JPG Referee handshake.jpg Tyler Lipton 2.jpg MNT Qualitifer-website.JPG National Team Qualifier-website.JPG Brian.jpg Build a bonfire.jpg March to match website.JPG Phillip Raschkow.jpg Casy Byquist.jpg Sounders Sunset website - Copy.JPG

Welcome to the Federal Way Soccer Referees Association (FWSRA) Site. We hope that you enjoy your visit to our Site and find it informative and useful.

You can navigate through and around this Site by selecting (clicking on) any of the active hyperlinks that appear like this or the various graphical images you'll see. Click on the Information segment to review the information that we have available for the general public.

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You can also return to this home page by clicking on the FWSRA logo located in the upper left corner of every page.

In the meantime:

May your whistle be strong, eyesight perfect, and the weather cooperative!

What's New?
Wednesday May 17th, 2023

Referees: Beginning June 1st FWSRA will no longer be assigning matches. All FME matches can be found at Pierce County Referees and all PAC NW Federal Way matches can be found at NSO I would like to thank all of you for your support of both FWSRA and all of the youth clubs that we have assigned for over the years. I know that all of our board members have appreciated your time and dedication. Hope to see you on the pitch. Yours in Soccer, Mike Franco - President FWSRA